



  • hospital st. gilbert de neufontaines - october 2011 - Port-au-prince haiti

    • Shadowed Dr. Philippeaux during routine visits to local private and public government hospitals and clinics and observed local medical and health education practices, trends, and culture of care; and assisted with ancillary secretarial tasks

  • Amor & Felicidad ORPHAN Services - Summer 2008 & 2010 - morocco

    • Conducted research pertaining to the health status of externally placed orphans in the urban area of Tétouan and analyzed the organizations ability to meet the needs of the orphans in each of the various components of wellness

  • Ambulance corp - 2010 - beacon, ny

    • Served as a non-professional volunteer, serving during weekly shifts and accompanying rides for emergency calls supporting EMT and Paramedic staff

  • cross cultural solutions - 2004 & 2010 - tanzania & morocco

    • Tanzania- Taught English at Kariwa primary school to a four classrooms of 30+ students at levels two through six

      • Continued an ongoing pen-pal system between Kariwa Primary and U.S.A. based elementary schools

    • Morocco- Taught English at a refugee center in Rabat to a class of about 10 advanced level English learners

A handful of students taking a picture with their pen-pal items! =)

A handful of students taking a picture with their pen-pal items! =)

Teaching English at a Refugee Center in Rabat, Morocco

Teaching English at a Refugee Center in Rabat, Morocco

  • INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE CENTER - fall 2008 - summer 2009 - Ithaca, NY

    • Worked as a pharmacy and clerical assistant in acupuncture practice. Maintained and organized the herbal pharmacy and also mixed and filled herbal supplements under supervision of the practitioner

  • ADVOCACY CENTER - fall 2008 - summer 2009 - ithaca, ny

    • Coordinator task force meetings, planning and logistics including speakers, permits etc. for the annual "Take Back The Night" event