
b. 1986, HK.

About Me


As someone who is often called a 'Jill' of All Trades, a Miss MacGyver of sorts, or even a female version of Inspector Gadget- it may come as no surprise that I've got an assortment of hobbies, aptitudes, and projects keeping me busy- not to mention just way too much stuff to keep this lifestyle afloat.

A dear friend of mine also says I approach life like a student... constantly observing, learning, deliberating, and reflecting. This naturally lends itself to sticky-notes and e-clutter galore on a plethora of topics spanning the diversity of my interests.

But I have more layers beyond being a thoroughly prepared tool-belt-wearing queen of thingamabobs.

Intuitiveness, honesty, humor, dedication, and resourcefulness are other attributes I take pleasure in developing.

Please use and enjoy this website as a resource and way to find out more about my professional, academic, and personal pursuits.


These icons don’t yet link to additional pages, but will. So check back to learn more about these content areas of my fun endeavors.